We have adapted this code of conduct to ensure that the relationships between providers of educational 贷款 to 全球十大网赌正规平台 students and our representatives, 和谁一起工作, 是否没有任何利益冲突, 实际的或感知的,你, 学生, 在适当的时候, 你的父母(s), 应是所有形式的财政援助的唯一受益者.


A. “贷款机构”或“贷款人”系指(i)其本身, 或者通过联营公司, 从事向学生贷款的业务, 父母或其他人为资助高等教育费用或将该等贷款证券化, 或(ii)任何实体, 或者实体的关联, 为教育贷款提供担保. “贷款机构”或“贷款人”不包括大学、州政府或联邦政府.

B. “大学”指大学, 大学, 采用本行为准则的专业贸易学校或其他提供高等教育的实体.

C. “机会贷款”是指提供给国际学生或其他符合下列条件的学生的贷款, 因为他们没有信用记录, 无法以合理的条件获得学生贷款.

D. “补偿”指任何有价值的东西,包括, 但不限于, 钱, 学分, 贷款, 折扣, 支付, 费用, 免除本金或利息, 报销费用, 慈善捐款, 股票期权, 咨询费, 教育拨款, 假期, 奖, 礼物或其他贵重物品, 直接或间接给予的.

E. “行业协会”指任何高等教育, 金融援助, 贷款或银行业务, industry or professional association that receives Compensation within the preceding 12-month period from any Lending Institution or Lender. The Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges shall not be deemed to be a “trade association” solely by virtue of its contract to administer the Connecticut Higher Supplemental Loan Authority (“CHESLA”).

F. “外部董事”系指贷款人董事会或校董会成员,该成员因其在董事会或校董会任职而从该贷款人获得报酬,且其作为管理人员未从贷款人获得其他报酬, 员工, 或贷款人的代理人或其他.

G. “代理人”是指作为大学的代表,在大学的指导下或在大学的控制下行事的人,该等人对大学的责任主要涉及大学的经济援助或高等教育贷款业务活动.

1. 没有大学受托人, 导演, 官, 或代理人, or any 员工 who is employed in the 金融援助 office of the University or who otherwise has responsibilities with respect to higher educational 贷款 or other 金融援助 at his or her University, 没有配偶或受扶养子女(“家庭成员”), 接受任何超过面值的补偿(不超过$50), 直接或间接, 在任何12个月内,由贷款机构或同业公会或以其名义提供, 但本规定不得解释为禁止任何官员, 受托人, 导演, 大学的代理人或雇员, 或者他们的任何家庭成员, from receiving Compensation for the conduct of non-University business with any Lending Institution or Trade Association or from 接受ing Compensation that is offered to the general public.

2. 尽管有第二款的禁止.A.1 or any other provision of this Code of Conduct: (a) The University may hold membership in any nonprofit professional association; (b) A University 受托人, 导演, 官, or 员工 who is not employed in the 金融援助 office of the University and does not have responsibilities with respect to higher educational 贷款 or 金融援助, may serve as an Outside Director of a Lending Institution or Trade Association and receive Compensation at the Lending Institution’s or Trade Association’s established compensation rates for Outside Directors, 但任何大学受托人, 导演, 官 or 员工 serving on the board of the Lending Institution or Trade Association is precluded from participating in such board’s discussions or decisions that might affect the interests of the University, 并进一步规定该等大学受托人, 导演, 官员或雇员遵守大学的利益冲突政策, 并收到本行为准则和大学利益冲突政策要求的年度书面通知. 此外,尽管有第二款的禁止.A.1, 受托人, 导演, 贷款机构或行业协会的高级职员或雇员不承担高等教育贷款或经济援助的责任,不得仅因其在贷款机构或行业协会的职位而被阻止在大学董事会任职, 但在大学董事会任职的任何此类人员不得参与可能影响贷款人或行业协会利益或与经济援助或高等教育贷款有关的董事会讨论或决定.

3. 本《全球十大网赌正规平台》中的任何内容均不得被解释为与《全球十大网赌正规平台》§§10a-201及以下各条的要求相冲突.,包括但不限于第10a-203(a)条和第10a-221条等.

4. 本第二款规定的禁止事项.A应包括, 但不限于, a ban on any payment or reimbursement by a Lending Institution or Trade Association to a University 员工 or Family Member for lodging, 餐, 或参加会议或培训研讨会,除非此类付款或报销仅与大学以外的业务有关. University 员工s whose duties relate to 金融援助 may 接受 food or refreshments of nominal value provided or paid for by a Lender or Trade Association at a meeting, 与他们的专业发展或培训有关的会议或研讨会. 由于贷款人或行业协会的赞助或支持,大学员工不排除参加与经济援助或高等教育贷款相关的任何教育或培训计划,而不向任何参与者收取注册费, and provided that the registration fee is limited to covering the costs associated solely with the education or training component of the program.

没有大学官员, 受托人, 导演, 代理人或雇员, 或者他们的任何家庭成员, 应担任贷款人顾问委员会成员. 贷款人可以通过行业协会获得财政援助官员对财政援助产品和服务的建议和意见, industry surveys or other mechanisms that do not require service on Lender advisory boards and provided such person receives no Compensation for such service. This provision shall not apply to participation on advisory boards that are unrelated in any way to 金融援助 or higher education 贷款.

1. 既不是大学, 也没有任何校友会, 助推器俱乐部, 基金会, 体育组织, 社会组织, 学术组织, 专业机构或其他附属于本校的机构(“附属机构”), 可以接受任何贷款机构或行业协会的任何补偿,以换取贷款机构或行业协会提供的与贷款机构或行业协会的经济援助或教育贷款活动有关的任何利益或对价. 这一禁令应包括, 但不限于:(i)贷款机构或行业协会与大学或附属组织分享收入, (ii) the receipt by the University or Affiliated Organizations from any Lending Institution or Trade Association of any equipment or supplies, 包括但不限于, 计算机硬件和软件, 大学支付的学费低于市场价格, (三)印刷费用或服务, 但不应禁止大学或附属组织接受贷款人或行业协会自己的标准印刷小册子或信息材料,这些材料不包含大学的标志或以其他方式识别大学.

2. 尽管本第二款另有规定.C., 大学可能会接受与美国教育部提供的援助种类相当的援助.S. 教育部根据联邦直接贷款计划或促进联邦直接贷款计划向学校提供资助.

3. 本款不禁止大学接受捐赠, 出资, 奖学金资助, 贷款人或行业协会提供的其他财务支持, so long as the University gives no competitive advantage or preferential treatment to the Lender or Trade Association related to its education loan activity in exchange for such support.

In the event that the University promulgates a list of preferred or recommended lenders or similar ranking or designation (“Preferred Lender List”), 然后:

1. 每一个小册子, 列出优先贷款人名单的网页或其他文件必须清楚披露, 文本或通过明确指定的超链接, 大学为所述首选贷款人名单选择贷款人的过程, including 但不限于 the criteria used in compiling said list and the relative importance of those criteria; and

2. 每一个小册子, 列出首选贷款人名单或在该首选贷款人名单上确定任何贷款人的网页或其他文件,应以与文件主要文字相同的字体和方式声明,学生及其家长有权利和能力选择他们所选择的教育贷款提供者, 是否不需要使用上述首选贷款机构名单上的任何贷款机构, 并且不会因为选择了不在首选贷款人名单上的贷款人而受到学校的处罚;

3. 大学对首选贷款人的选择以及大学对贷款机构名称在名单上出现的位置或位置的决定应完全基于学生和家长借款人的最佳利益, 利用规定的标准,仅限于提供给借款人的利益(如有竞争力的利率和还款条款), 贷款服务质量, 贷款是否会被出售),以及与大学有效合作处理贷款的能力, without regard to the pecuniary interest of the University or to any benefits provided by Lending Institutions to the University or any of the University’s 官s, 受托人, 董事, 代理人或雇员或其家属. 大学对任何优先贷款人的选择应限于该贷款人所选择的贷款类型, 基于这些类型的贷款对借款人的好处, and the University’s Preferred Lender list shall indicate the types of 贷款 for which each Lender has been selected as a Preferred Lender. 本条款的任何规定均无意限制大学行使其自由裁量权作出自己决定的能力, 最终判断哪些贷款机构最符合大学的标准以及学生和家长借款人的需求.

4. 大学应至少每年审查其首选贷款人名单;

5. 大学应要求所有优先贷款人承诺, 以书面形式向借款人披露, at the time a loan is issued: (a) whether the loan may be sold to another Lender; (b) that the loan terms and benefits will not change if the loan is sold to another Lender; and (c) that the loan benefits may change if the borrower chooses to consolidate his or her 贷款; and

6. The University shall ensure that any Preferred Lender list that it publishes to students contain no less than three (3) Lending Institutions.

1. 任何贷款机构的雇员或其他代理人不得在任何时候进入大学的财务援助办公室. The University shall ensure that no 员工 or other representative of a Lending Institution is ever identified to students or prospective students of the University or their parents as an 员工 or agent of the University. 尽管有上述禁令, 如果学校认为这对学生有好处的话, 大学可以允许贷款人的代表进行信息交流, 如离职面谈和贷款支付和贷款合并方案的介绍, so long as: (a) student attendance is voluntary; (b) a University representative explains that other Lenders may provide similar services; (c) the affiliation of the Lender representative is disclosed at the start of the presentation; (d) the Lender representative does not promote the products or services of any Lender, 以及(e)大学采取合理步骤确保遵守本段的要求.

2. 如果大学允许贷款人按照第E款的规定进行信息发布会或离职面谈.1. 在上述情况下,大学必须保留对贷款人提供的任何面试或演示的控制权. Control may be evidenced by: (a) a University 员工 attending such interview or presentation; (b) the University recording or videotaping the interview or presentation; or (c) with respect to an exit interview conducted electronically via the internet, 学校创建或事先批准该电子离职面谈的内容.

除非主本票或协议允许借款人输入提供相关贷款的任何贷款人的贷款代码或名称,或者大学与电子主本票或协议的链接告知借款人与借款人选择的任何贷款人签订主本票或协议的其他方式,否则大学不得将潜在借款人链接或以其他方式直接指向任何电子主本票或其他贷款协议. Any information the University provides to borrowers about completing a Master Promissory Note or agreement with a Preferred Lender must provide the information required in subsections II.D.1和II.D.2以上.

The University may enter into arrangements with Lenders to provide Opportunity Loans to students whose credit rating would otherwise preclude them from obtaining 贷款 with reasonable rates and terms. The University may enter into such arrangements with a Preferred Lender after the University has selected Preferred Lenders in accordance with the provisions of Section II.D以上, 或者它可以使用一个单独的流程来选择提供机会贷款的贷款人, 只要该程序也符合第二节的规定.D. 以上. 大学不得要求, 接受, 征求或考虑贷款机构提供任何机会贷款的提议,以换取大学提供优惠, 向贷款人提供的利益或承诺.

1. 如果一所大学雇佣了一名员工,该员工将受雇于该大学的经济援助办公室,或在其他方面负责高等教育贷款或其他经济援助,并且该员工在该大学雇佣之日之前的12个月内受雇于贷款人, such 员工 shall be prohibited from having any dealings or interactions with such Lender on behalf of the University for a period of 12 months from the date such 员工’s employment with the Lender was terminated.

2. In the event a Lender hires an 员工 who was employed by the University during the 12-month period prior to the date of such 员工’s hire by the Lender, 自该员工终止与学校的雇佣关系之日起12个月内,学校不得与该员工进行任何与经济援助或高等教育贷款有关的交易或互动