Our Student Recruitment Ambassadors (SRAs) are here to give you the inside scoop about life at Trinity! From campus tours to connecting with prospective students, our SRAs are excited to share what they love most about the unique qualities of our campus.

Mohammad Ali, Class of ’25
家乡: 巴基斯坦,伊斯兰堡
专业: 经济学、应用数学
课外学习: Men of Color Alliance (Co-President), 追求领袖, 预算委员会, 跨信仰的, TC 学生投资基金 (Analyst), Q-Center导师, Chapel Assistant (Communications), 足球俱乐部
有趣的事实: I changed my middle name from the one I was assigned at birth at the age of 3!
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because I wanted to be in a relatively small and tight knit community where I could make a measurable difference through my engagement and leadership.

Hamzah Al-shammari, Class of ’27
家乡: 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹
主要: 经济学
课外学习: Model UN, Philosophy Club, I-House, Stage Technician at the Austin Arts Center, 足球俱乐部
有趣的事实: I live 2 mins away from the ancient ruins of Babylonia!
与斯特拉联系! Stella Austin, Class of ’26
家乡: 利特尔顿,马萨诸塞州
专业: 心理学与社会学
有趣的事实: I know American Sign Language!
为什么三位一体: Coming from a small town, I knew I wanted to attend a small school with easy access to a larger city. I was particularly drawn to the emphasis on community among students, 教授, 和哈特福德本身. Trinity felt like a place where I could genuinely make a difference in the world while also pursuing career opportunities.
联系Saanvi! Saanvi Bajaj, Class of ’27
家乡: 印度旁遮普
专业: 经济学 and Applied Math
有趣的事实: I helped relaunch a student run start-up that provided employment to more than 10 rural women.
课外学习: Assistant Teacher at Bellizzi Middle School, PHAB Co-Coordinator at WGRAC, CHER Community Engagement Fellow, CACT作业者明矾
连接艾美! 艾米·巴里,27届毕业生
家乡: 伊利诺斯州斯普林菲尔德市
主要: 政治科学
有趣的事实: 我有一个双胞胎兄弟.
课外学习: Trinity Women’s Rowing, 足球俱乐部
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity for close relationships with faculty and the networking system.
相似连接! Simar Bhogal, Class of ’26
家乡: 新德里,印度
主要: 神经科学 and Studio Arts
有趣的事实: I self-published a blackout poetry book!
课外学习: Eco-Rep at the Office of 可持续性, researching the psychology of fitness in India, 果冻成员, and gen-bod member for the Women of Color Coalition
为什么三位一体: I wanted to be a part of an engaging campus environment where I could have meaningful relationships with both students and faculty. The liberal arts structure allows me to explore my interests and navigate building a feasible yet ambitious plan for my future.
与Francois联系! Francois Carpe Elias, Class of ’26
家乡: 萨尔瓦多的Metapan
主要: 计算机科学
有趣的事实: 我喜欢足球! In fact, I have a soccer jersey collection!
为什么三位一体:  I wanted a college that would let me explore things and make me step out of my comfort zone, and Trinity was a great place for me to challenge myself!
与Isolde联系! Isolde Edson, Class of ’26
家乡: 马萨诸塞州列克星敦
主要: 工程 (Biomedical Concentration)
课外学习: 工程 research, 神经科学 Club, Biology TA, Interdisciplinary Science Program Gateway (ISP)
有趣的事实: I love sharks and swam with hammerheads in Ecuador!
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because of the unique opportunities it offers for STEM studies and undergraduate research.
与Gabby联系! Gabby Erawoc, Class of ’27
家乡: 亚特兰大,乔治亚州
主要: 国际研究
课外学习: P.R.I.D.E. Leader- Promoting Respect for Inclusive Diversity in Education
为什么三位一体: Trinity stood out to me because of the endless opportunities to be involved on and off-campus. I am intentional about immersion within every community I enter, and Trinity allows me to explore every one of my interests and passions!

Grace Fangmann, Class of ’26
家乡: 芝加哥,伊利诺斯州
专业: Educational Studies, English (Creative Writing)
课外学习: 《怪癖无伴奏合唱, 全球十大网赌正规平台 欢呼 Team, Trinity 首页lessness Project, Alpha Chi Omega (VP of New Member Education), 心理学研究, Theatre – Cinderella and Hamlet, Teaching Mentor at Bellizzi Dual Language Academy, 教堂的歌手, Sigma Tau Delta E-Board (English Honor Society)
有趣的事实: I trained to be a professional dancer for fifteen years, and when I was a kid my dream job was to be a Rockette!

Jenn Ferreira, Class of ’27
家乡: 康涅狄格州新米尔福德
专业: 心理学 and Hispanic Studies
课外学习: LITS student advisory board, Faith Inspired, Summit-to-Success mentor
有趣的事实: I love reading, I have a mini library in my closet (almost like a little hidden nook!)
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because I LOVED it. Trinity has an amazing student life, campus, and resources and it truly shows. 在给我的旅行中, my guide captured the essence of Trinity; we saw student life and the various areas of campus, and she explained the resources as we walked to them. Trinity made me feel like I was at home!
和艾米丽联系! 艾米丽·福克斯,26届毕业生
家乡: 洛杉矶,加利福尼亚
主要: 政治科学 and History
有趣的事实: I was born in London, England
课外学习: SGA 预算委员会, EAC下流的, FYSM Mentor
为什么三位一体: What drew me to Trinity was how students are encouraged by 教授 to explore as many subject areas as they want, instead of limiting their studies to one field. I was able to take courses across multiple departments until I was able to find a field I am really passionate about.
与莫连接! 莫·加纳姆,27届毕业生
家乡: 的黎波里,利比亚
主要: 工程
有趣的事实: Arabic is my first language
课外学习: Football manager, Computer science club, Tyree Innovation Fellowship
为什么三位一体: The liberal arts system and the exposure to a diverse community were a big driver for me choosing Trinity!


Noelle Hanson, Class of ’26
家乡: 布朗克斯维尔,纽约
主要: 公共政策 & 法律
有趣的事实: 我爱R&B & Rap music, and my favorite artists are SZA and J.科尔!
课外学习: 欢呼, the Trinity Undergraduate 法律 Journal, The 全球十大网赌正规平台 Pre-法律 Society, and the Black Student Union
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because I love the diversity and inclusion as well as the very welcoming community it offers! Also because we have a really good 公共政策 and 法律 program!
联系莎拉! Sara Ingrey, Class of ’27
家乡: 乌拉圭的蒙得维的亚
主要: 生物化学
有趣的事实: 我喜欢骑马。!
课外学习: Organic Chemistry research, theater and dance productions
与安东尼娅联系! Antonia Kambolis, Class of ’26
家乡: 西奥兰治,新泽西
主要: 政治科学 and Human Rights Studies
课外学习: SGA, WRTC FM, Trinity 首页lessness Project, 政治科学 research
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity for the community, the opportunities I knew would be available to me, 还有美丽的校园!
与Zaynab联系! Zaynab Khan, 26届毕业生
家乡: 巴基斯坦卡拉奇,
专业: 经济学
课外学习: Women’s Squash team, SLE programming board, semi-professional squash
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because its extraordinary squash program, coupled with it’s high quality academics and smaller classes would provide me with a unique experience I wouldn’t be able to get elsewhere!
与奥利维亚联系! Olivia Kyriakides, Class of ’26
家乡: 马萨诸塞州达
专业: 经济学 and 政治科学
课外学习: 斯特拉协会, 泛希腊议会, 希腊生活专责小组, 金融领域的女性, 学生投资基金, EAC下流的
为什么三位一体: My older sister graduated from Trinity in 2021. During her time at Trinity, I would visit often and hear stories about her and her friends’ experiences on campus. When I was applying to schools, I thought back to all that they shared with me and could really imagine myself as a Trinity student!

Daphne Lasher, Class of ’25
家乡: 加州马林县
主要: 神经科学
课外学习: 神经科学 research assistant, VP of External Affairs for Kappa Kappa Gamma, 神经科学的导师, 取向的领导者
为什么三位一体: I knew I wanted to be on the East Coast for school but I fell in love with the small, 支持社区 at Trinity, and how many opportunities there are to truly make an impact on campus.


家乡: 法尔茅斯,缅因州
专业: 政治科学
有趣的事实: I have been to 11 national parks!
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because of its close-knit, 支持社区, and 留学项目 that align with my major. They help foster personal growth and global perspective.
与Sabin联系! 萨宾·林布,27届毕业生
家乡: Samtse、不丹
主要: 经济学
有趣的事实: I am a vegetarian and I don’t like vegetables!
课外学习: ConnectiKids, 果冻, 取向的领导者, 社会主席, 社会主席SASA, Assistant Teacher at 全球十大网赌正规平台 Community Child Center
为什么三位一体: Trinity also aligns perfectly with my interests in offering the opportunity to major and minor in multiple disciplines, along with flexible study abroad options.


Lily Mellitz, Class of ’26
家乡: 吉尔福德,康涅狄格
主要: 剧院 & Dance (Scriptwriting and Directing)
有趣的事实: I have a twin sister and she goes to Trinity with me! She’s my best friend and we’re dorm neighbors.
课外学习: 三一三脚架, 音乐剧社, Students for Accessibility, Venture orientation program, 大妹妹/小妹妹程序, THDN部门. I also love the cultural house events such as Diwali, Lunar New Year, etc.
与Tshepo联系! Tshepo Molotja, Class of ’26
家乡: Polokwane,南非
主要: 城市研究
课外学习: Faith Inspired Students at Trinity (FIST)
有趣的事实: I love hiking, anything adventurous!
为什么三位一体: Beyond just a good school, I was looking for a perfect home away from home!
与兰达联系! Landa Nguyen, Class of ’26
家乡: 康涅狄格州丹伯里
主要: 神经科学 (Pre-Med track)
课外学习: SGA Executive Vice President, Co-President and Social Chair of AASA, ReMIND Lab Research Assistant, and Barista at Peter B’s Espresso
有趣的事实: I love making cà phê sữa đá (vietnamese iced coffee) and matcha lattes with condensed milk despite being super lactose intolerant!
为什么三位一体: I love being able to explore downtown 哈特福德 events and restaurants in my free time, and being located near many amazing hospitals and research facilities allows me to have many cool research/academic opportunities!
联系汉娜! 汉娜·萨菲,26届毕业生 
家乡: 亚松森,巴拉圭
主要: 计算机科学
有趣的事实: I have a turtle named Oreo
课外学习: Secretary of the 计算机科学 club, The Mill member
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because it was the perfect place for me to major in CS, while continue pursuing my passion for music, 辅修课程, and also joining clubs and organizations!
联系克莱尔! Claire Schrecengost, Class of ’25
有趣的事实: I have 13 chickens, including two bantams!
课外学习: Co-President of The Moveable Joints improv troupe
为什么三一: I chose Trinity because of its emphasis on community, its small class sizes that allow for a more individualized education, and the incredible support that 教授 give to students.


Ally Schwartzberg, Class of ’25
家乡: 蒙特克莱尔,新泽西
专业: 心理学
有趣的事实: In high school I was the captain of the bowling team!
课外学习: Alpha Chi Omega, Big Sister Little Sister, Hillel eBoard, IGNITE club
为什么三位一体: When I first toured Trinity, I fell in love. Everyone I met has been warm and friendly, 校园很美, and the academics are challenging in the best way possible.
联系索菲亚! 索菲亚·托农,26届毕业生
家乡: 巴西库里提巴
专业: 政治科学
有趣的事实: 我知道怎么开飞机!
课外学习: President at the Brazilian Student Association, Social Media intern at Global Brazilian Student Association, Trinity Advancement Office intern
为什么三位一体: Trinity has a perfect balance between an urban location and a classical liberal arts campus, offers each student an extremely individualized experience and support. There’s also an amazing international community!
与Himena联系! Himena Yamane, Class of ’26
家乡: 纽约,纽约
主要: 经济学
有趣的事实: I don’t have a drivers license!
为什么三位一体: I chose Trinity because of the close knit community. With very accessible 教授 and staff I felt really supported even through the rigorous academic that are offered. With various research projects, 留学项目, and clubs I felt that I can grow as a student and diversify my opportunities of growth.