Any questions, please contact 设施和服务 at (电子邮件保护) 或拨打设施服务台860-297-2444.




公告板 are available for purchase for the placement of posters, 显示, 标志和其他类似材料. Bulletin boards may be installed 作为一项可报销的服务. An account number or purchase order is required prior to installation. 学院不鼓励贴海报, 迹象, 或者建筑物上的横幅, 树, 灯的帖子, 或其他户外结构.

木工店提供窗户、屏风、门和地板的日常维护和维修. The carpentry shop’s priority is maintenance and repair. 非维修项目,如书架的建设,将在可报销的基础上优先安排.

Construction Trades is responsible for repairing frayed or damaged carpet, and installing replacement carpet when it is required. Carpet is inspected annually to insure that it serviceable. 出于经济原因,地毯在使用寿命结束前不会更换. All carpet used in College buildings must conform to the 火的代码. 将地板表面从任何其他材料更改为地毯的请求将根据个人情况进行审查.



屋宇署会在获署长授权后,提供正在考虑的维修或翻新工程的费用概算. 超出设施部能力或资源范围的费用估计需要聘请顾问,可作为有偿服务提供.

The Facilities Department administers a service contract for all elevators on campus. The contract includes inspection, preventative maintenance, and repairs. 所有涉及服务中断的维修都与部门协调,以尽量减少不便. Any emergency involving an elevator should be reported to Campus Safety at 860-297-2222.

有些情况被认为是紧急情况,需要立即予以注意,以避免对健康造成危害, 财产损失, 或者是很大的不便. 加热的问题, 严重的屋顶或管道泄漏, and power failures are examples of problems requiring emergency service. 在报告和紧急情况时,请确保提供您的姓名,并尽可能准确地指定问题的性质和位置. In the event of an emergency during normal working hours, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. 到下午4:30.m. 请致电设施部860-297-2444. During nights, weekends, and holidays call Campus Safety at 860-297-2222.

设施帮助台负责接收有关工作状态(设施相关)的所有问题,并发送所有设施服务请求,电话:860-297-2444或 (电子邮件保护). 授权工作是根据以下设施部门系统安排的, 基本操作, 预防性维护和计划工作. Work may be performed by either in-house employees or by contractors.

The Facilities Department maintains and services all fire extinguishers in campus buildings. 有没有人注意到, 失踪, or misplaced fire extinguisher are encouraged to contact the 设施支援台.

Campus 消防安全 promotes fire prevention and life safety awareness by offering training, 教育项目, and informational resources; by conducting inspections of academic, administrative and residential facilities; and by providing expert guidance on fire and life safety code issues.

The Facilities Department provides services for the selection and procurement of furniture, equipment and interior finishes in support of the College departments and capital projects. Contact the main office at 860-297-2444 for assistance.

资金 for new furniture is generally reimbursable and funded by the requesting department. 设施部没有收到用于更换家具的年度预算拨款. The Facilities Department negotiates signific蚂蚁 discounts with a multitude of vendors. 除了成本和功能, the facilities staff ensure appropriate durability and guar蚂蚁ee that ergonomic, 火的代码, 在设计和选择过程中纳入残障准入规范和其他要求, and that aesthetics are considered for both immediate use and future flexibility.

The HVAC Shop provides routine maintenance and repair of heating and ventilation systems.

Special moving services may be requested: faculty office moves, 大宗货物运输, 由于装修而搬家, 或者去参加大学活动. All moves, which will be scheduled as time permits, are reimbursable services.

铭牌和门牌, 办公室, 实验室和建筑物的特定区域将按照学院的通用图形标准进行制作和安装. 特殊标志可通过向设施帮助台860-297-2444或 (电子邮件保护) 作为一项可报销的服务.

绘画 and patching of campus buildings is scheduled when conditions require it.

设施部负责防治虫鼠,并执行每年灭虫的防治虫鼠合约. 这个职责包括, 但不仅限于啮齿动物, 昆虫, 蚂蚁, 蝙蝠, 松鼠侵扰. Student rooms, 办公室, and classrooms are routinely inspected and serviced as needed.

全球十大网赌正规平台没有中央接收器. 接收外部货运公司的货物, 包括卸货和储存货物, are the responsibility of the department ordering the shipment. If a department expects a large delivery and will need help unloading, the Grounds staff will provide assistance if notified three days in advance of delivery. 这将被视为可报销的服务.


  • Notify in advance the delivery date, the time of delivery, and the location of delivery.
  • Deliver the shipment inside the designated building.
  • 如果运送货物的商用卡车停在设施部寻求指示,设施部将打电话给货物的始发部门.

全球十大网赌正规平台 回收 is responsible for the collection, 处理, storage and marketing of all recyclable materials in residential, 学术及行政设施. The Custodial and Grounds Shops are tasked with the collection and disposal of recyclables. 该学院回收混合纸, 纸板, 新闻纸, 蜡光纸, 所有的瓶子和罐子, 二手机油, 废金属, 叶子, 使用激光墨盒.

可补偿的 services are services rendered to departments, 组, and individuals for which the Facilities Department does not receive a budget allocation, 而且必须由请求者支付. Facilities charges for reimbursable services are billed at actual cost. Examples include: additions of special equipment; departmental trucking and moving; minor alterations to structures or areas or services not considered essential to the basic operation of the building; moving of departmental office furniture; painting or redecorating other than regular maintenance; special services; and student damages.

设施署每年获预算拨款提供的服务是免费提供的. 服务仅限于学院财产,包括:建筑物的维护和维修, 非事件保管服务, 园林绿化及场地保养, 维护指定车辆,维护和运行公用事业分配系统.

每一场暴风雪都有其独特的特点, 这取决于一年中的时间, 暴风雨的强度, 还有雪的种类, 降雪的深度, 以及其他可变条件. 因此, 我们的雪政策提供了管理风暴的基本指导方针,但也保持了在现场调整的灵活性.

It is the policy of the Facilities Department to have parking lots, 人行道上, 残疾人坡道和通往主要建筑入口的通道在平日上课前、周末中午或在校园有重大活动时提前清理完毕. Special attention is paid to cleaning accessible routes and parking for disabled persons.

在主要的接入点被铲平之后, the snow removal crews will focus on widening paths, 清除次要通路, 盐人行道, 清除积冰及, 如有大量堆积, 清除停车场的雪堆. These operations may last for several days after the cessation of the storm.

The College utilizes a number of snow removal methods:

Snow is removed by vehicles with plows in parking lots and on some major 人行道上. Care is given to avoiding damage to parked cars and landscaping. Wherever possible, snow is stored to minimize inconvenience. 但是在很多情况下, 雪必须存放在一个或多个停车位, 从而暂时减少了批量容量. 设备不能在停放的汽车之间犁地, thereby limiting removal efforts in residence halls parking lots. Special attention is paid to plowing so that melt-off and drainage are facilitated

The custodial staff in will shovel snow on stairs and entry ways to the buildings.

在风暴过后,工作人员会定期在人行道上除冰,以减少结冰的可能性. As melting permits, crews will break up ice and remove it. 暴风雪过后的大部分除雪工作都是由场地人员在正常工作时间内完成的.

If the ground is to be punctured by tent or volleyball stakes, 篱笆帖子, 或者其他方式, 地下管线可能被损坏. Liability costs associated with this type of damage, 这可能会导致生命损失, can be extreme and are the sole responsibility of the vendor. 每个计划破土动工的人都必须在破土动工前至少三(3)天与全球十大网赌正规平台设施部联系. 然后业主标出公用事业线路, 如果有任何, and notify the Calendar Office with a “utilities marked” or an “all clear.” Local tent renters are aware of these procedures and will contact Facilities Department. 在对公用设施的调查完成之前,他们不会在全球十大网赌正规平台搭建帐篷.

学院自备车辆是为了方便学院的业务,可以通过网上预订(事先授权) 学院事件管理系统(EMS). 所有有资格预订学院车辆的全球十大网赌正规平台社区成员必须是经批准的司机. Approved driver forms are available through the Assist蚂蚁 Controller’s Office. The use of the College’s eleven passenger vans will require a special authorization.



星期一至星期五:上午7点.m.–4:30 p.m