A population in the correctional system long overlooked for educational services now has access to a 全球十大网赌正规平台 program.

This semester marks the first time that Trinity faculty members are teaching college classes 在哈特福德惩教中心, 这座城市的监狱. 不像监狱, 判刑后通常是哪家监狱关押犯人, a jail houses the accused who have not been convicted of a crime and those serving sentences of up to a year. 随着病情的进展,患者可能会在HCC中停留数月.

英语名誉教授,希拉•米. 费舍尔在哈特福德惩教中心任教 with Joseph F. Lea, visiting 人权讲师 and co-director of Trinity’s Prison Education Project.
英语名誉教授,希拉•米. 费舍尔在哈特福德惩教中心任教 with Joseph F. Lea, visiting 人权讲师 and co-director of Trinity’s Prison Education Project. Photos courtesy of Connecticut Department of Correction.

Damian米. 多兰, HCC副监狱长, 说, 根据我的经验, educational programs are the best way to guide justice-involved individuals toward positive change that makes positive use of their time spent in our custody, and can also contribute to more productive outcomes upon release to the community.”

新项目增加了 三一监狱教育计划, which has made courses available to individuals incarcerated at York Correctional Institution for more than a decade. TPEP的存在是为了减少教育不公平, 支持在押人员, 并帮助他们在发行后获得成功. 它是全球十大网赌正规平台的一部分 人权方案, the first human rights program at a liberal arts college in the United States.

“Many colleges have started offering courses in prisons, 但我们意识到,监狱里的人被抛在了后面, 包括肝癌患者, 它在任何时候都能拘留大约800人,” 安娜Terwiel, assistant professor of political science and TPEP co-director. “T在这里 were already some GED classes and court-mandated programs at HCC, but t在这里 were no higher education opportunities before this one.”

英语名誉教授,希拉•米. 费舍尔在哈特福德惩教中心任教.
英语名誉教授,希拉•米. 费舍尔在哈特福德惩教中心任教.

Terwiel补充道, “Trinity has a fantastic community of teachers and scholars, and right 在这里 in our city is an institution with a lot of people who have been deprived of access to higher education for a number of reasons, so this is a great opportunity to use the resources of Trinity to connect them with an education.”

Because of the variable lengths of time people spend in the jail, 两个短, 每学期开设半学分课程. “We know students are not going to complete a degree in the jail; that’s not the goal,” Joseph F. Lea, visiting 人权讲师 and TPEP co-director. “我们的目标是启动这一进程, 制作一份成绩单, and to have the students go on in their lives and take these credits w在这里ver they go. 如果他们被释放, they can enroll in Connecticut State Community College—Capital Campus [formerly Capital Community College]. 如果他们进监狱, the prison would have a program w在这里 they can continue their college education. 这是通往教育之路的开端.”

The goal is to have about 15 students enrolled in each course. “今年秋天我们开设了第一批课程, 我们不知道会发生什么, 我们对事情的进展非常满意. 在我们的第一学期, 人们的兴趣已经提高了,丽娅说。, who is retired from the Connecticut Department of Correction. He co-founded the TPEP (formerly the Trinity Prison Seminar Series) in 2012, 还有戏剧和舞蹈教授, 荣誉退职的, 朱迪Dworin 荣誉退休英语教授, 希拉•米. 费雪.

The first course offered this semester was an interdisciplinary literature and philosophy course called “Friends and Enemies,” co-taught by Terwiel and Senior Lecturer in Language and Culture Studies 约书亚王. “Post-Colonial Fiction,” co-taught by Lea and 费雪, is currently underway two evenings per week.

Joseph F. Lea, visiting 人权讲师 and co-director of Trinity’s Prison Education Project.
Joseph F. Lea, visiting 人权讲师 and co-director of Trinity’s Prison Education Project.

“We have come to realize that t在这里’s a significant demand for writing instruction,” Terwiel 说. “今年春天,我们安排了一门以写作为重点的课程. Our goal is to develop a curriculum that meets our students’ interests and needs. 起初,我们对我们的学生一无所知. As we get to know them, we can be more intentional in our outreach to other Trinity faculty members.”

The classes are offered to students in the jail with no tuition fees and with all course materials provided. 该项目由拨款支持, 来自全球十大网赌正规平台的实物捐助, 以及正在进行的筹款, 而不需要商务部或纳税人付出任何代价, Lea说. Interested students apply by writing a short essay describing their interest in the program and their previous educational experience.

除了在约克大学和HCC教授课程之外, Trinity also offers its students many opportunities to learn about mass incarceration and related issues. Students may earn an experiential certificate in “Carceral Systems and Social Change” by taking two academic courses and engaging in one co-curricular experience outside of the classroom. 有关更多信息,请单击 在这里 或联系 本杰明C. Carbonetti, 全球十大网赌正规平台人权项目主任, 人权讲师, 证书协调器.

英语名誉教授,希拉•米. 费舍尔在哈特福德惩教中心任教 with Joseph F. Lea, visiting 人权讲师 and co-director of Trinity’s Prison Education Project.
英语名誉教授,希拉•米. 费雪和约瑟夫·F. Lea, visiting 人权讲师 and co-director of Trinity’s Prison Education Project, 在哈特福德惩教中心.

卡尔·格里埃,1980年的IDP, 多样性中心的主任, 股本, and 包容 at Connecticut State Community College—Capital Campus, 说 that the partnership with Trinity and the DOC meets the needs of incarcerated individuals and provides a service to the community.

“A meaningful partnership is greater than the sum of its parts,” Guerriere 说. “This partnership has the potential to add benefit to all those involved—most importantly for the individuals who participate in the program at the HCC. I would like to see individuals start and eventually complete a certificate or degree program that enables them to earn a life-sustaining wage.”

多兰, 副监狱长, 说 that engaging incarcerated individuals in programming like this helps them to think about how they can make meaningful changes that will reduce their risk for recidivism. 他说, 教育改变生活, and it is our hope that the 全球十大网赌正规平台 program 在哈特福德惩教中心 will help its participants to make positive changes that will impact them, 他们的家庭, 以及他们的社区.”