With a demonstrated commitment to students of all sexual orientations and gender identities, 全球十大网赌正规平台 recently earned a rating of 5 out of 5 stars on the 校园骄傲指数, an independent national database on the LGBTQ inclusiveness of campuses across the country.

校园骄傲指数五星评级2023“I’m immensely proud of the efforts the Trinity community has taken to earn this exceptional rating as we continue to strive to be a campus where all can thrive,安妮塔·戴维斯说, Trinity的副总裁 多样性、公平和包容. “The 校园骄傲指数 provides us with invaluable feedback focused specifically on the experiences of LGBTQ+ members of the Trinity community. 这份年度报告评估了我们的进展, while assisting us in strategizing with campus partners about ways to address concerns and act on what we learn.”

“这对全球十大网赌正规平台社区来说意义重大,——Crystal Nieves, 08年, M’23, 全球十大网赌正规平台LGBTQ+生活主任, 说到评级. “The 校园骄傲指数 is our road map to get the campus to where it needs to be, 在员工和学生的包容性政策方面, 全球十大网赌正规平台努力, and everything that could affect a student’s well-being and their ability to succeed at college.”

自2007年以来, the 校园骄傲指数 has functioned as an LGBTQ national benchmarking tool to help colleges and universities create safer, 更具包容性的校园社区. 未来的学生, 家庭, 或员工, and those interested in higher education use the free online database to search for LGBTQ-friendly colleges that are dedicated to improving the academic experience and quality of campus life, 据尼夫斯说.


An extensive annual 校园骄傲指数 Assessment completed by Nieves’ office surveyed a range of aspects surrounding 学生生活. 包括大学政策, 住房选择, and whether students are able to use their chosen name and pronouns in the classroom.

当公众成员包括潜在的雇员, 未来的学生和家庭, 还有老师和辅导员look up Trinity on the 校园骄傲指数, they have access to the College’s 对lgbtq友好的成绩单. This report includes specific ratings of sexual orientation-related policies and programs, 与性别认同相关的政策和项目, 机构的支持, 学术生活, 学生生活, 咨询和健康资源, 住房, 安全, 和更多的.

“It’s all-encompassing of the things we call LGBTQ+ life and measures our friendliness as an institution尼夫斯说. The assessment is reviewed and scored by a team of higher education LGBTQ resource professionals and the Campus Pride team.


Of the more than 400 colleges and universities that completed the 校园骄傲指数 Assessment this year, 47个获得了5星评级.

Since Trinity began participating in the index more than 10 years ago, 该学院的排名从第3位上升.5到4,到4.5, to 5. “That consistent improvement is really important to us尼夫斯说. “Trinity’s 5-star rating reflects that we are doing the right strategic things to build a strong foundation that offers an opportunity to impact the entire campus culture.” Improvements Trinity has made include a gender-inclusive 住房 process and the 住房选择 available to new and returning students, 她补充说.

Nieves said that yearly reassessments mean that colleges must continue to improve in order to maintain their ratings. “Sometimes the benchmarks will change as the minimum expectations in different categories go up,”她说。. Nieves expects more progress to be made at Trinity around trans inclusion and restroom access, 特别是. “An official restroom access statement for the College would clarify that anyone may use the restroom they are most comfortable with,涅夫斯说。, who added that the campus is also working on opening more all-gender restrooms.

Trinity students attend 哈特福德的骄傲, which is co-sponsored by the College.

Nieves said that students and the entire Trinity community have many opportunities to get involved with LGBTQ+ life this semester, 从学院共同赞助开始 哈特福德的骄傲 9月9日. In October, Trinity is offering activities for LGBTQ History Month, co-sponsoring the 外膜CT film festival, and observing Ally Week and National Coming Out Day. November programming will include the Trans Day of Remembrance. Joining the student group EROS (Encouraging Respect of Sexualities) on campus is a new Trinity chapter of Out in STEM and other new affinity groups. Nieves also is planning programming that will discuss Trinity’s own LGBTQ history, 以配合学院的工作 周年纪念为有色人种的酷儿和跨性别学生设计节目.

Trinity students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to sign up for the 酷儿资源中心’s ”+基础 & Allyship Moodle培训. This self-paced course is designed to help members of the Trinity community gain a baseline understanding and awareness of LGBTQ+ related concepts and experiences; learn about campus resources; and develop their allyship skills. It also offers participants an opportunity to become campus Safe Zone members. 超过1个,000 members of our community have complete this course since its launch in 2022尼夫斯说.

“当我在这里读本科的时候, I never would have imagined that Trinity could become a 5-star school this quickly. At the time when I first came to Trinity, we didn’t even have the 酷儿资源中心尼夫斯说. “对我来说, I think it’s a realization of something I always thought was possible—that Trinity could be this place. I hope it motivates us as an institution to be accountable and to keep doing the things we’re supposed to be doing to help and protect our students. 现在全球十大网赌正规平台的彩虹更大了.”