A group of 全球十大网赌正规平台 students recently attended a 康涅狄格论坛 与纪录片导演探讨 肯·伯恩斯.

维·杜恩,26岁 was part of the group that enjoyed a night out in downtown 哈特福德 on Saturday, 11月18日, 包括晚餐和参观 布什内尔表演艺术中心. Duong, 来自清化, 越南, is double-majoring in political science and 电影研究 and works as a social media associate (SoMA) for Trinity’s Office of Communications and Marketing.

“I grew up around the stories and tales from my grandmothers and my parents, so I guess that’s what nurtured my passion for storytelling. 现在已经是一个年轻人了, I think that has translated into a lot of my hobbies: writing, 摄影, and definitely into this position I hold as a SoMA,Duong说.

Below is Duong’s reflection on the evening:

Documentary filmmaker 肯·伯恩斯 on stage at the Bushnell Theater in 哈特福德 for the 康涅狄格论坛 on 11月18日, 2023. Photos by Nick Caito, courtesy of 康涅狄格论坛.

肯·伯恩斯 is one of the most renowned documentary directors in America. His work covers a great variety of subjects, 来自乡村音乐, 爵士乐, 布鲁克林大桥, 到越南战争和南北战争. 三位一体 电影研究 student, I recently got to listen to Burns in a talk hosted by 康涅狄格论坛. 和我一起去郊游,由 杰弗里·比, visiting associate professor of the practice in 电影研究, were seven other students who also share my passion for films and wanted to learn more from the legendary director.

在去论坛之前, 我们在黑眼莎莉餐厅吃了晚饭, 哈特福德会场附近的一家餐馆. Most of us did not know each other beforehand, so this was a great time and space to get to know each other. We enjoyed the good food and good conversations. I also had a chance to attend a similar event last year, when Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor had a virtual talk with the 康涅狄格论坛. I had a good time making new friends as a first-year student just freshly coming into college life.

Trinity students at Black-Eyed Sally’s before the Forum. 摄影:Vy Duong ' 26.

After the delicious dinner, we headed to the Bushnell, where the talk was held. 这不是我第一次去那里, but the architecture and design inside the theatre always intrigued me. We settled in just as the conversation between Burns and the moderator, 记者Audie 康沃尔郡的, 开始. She started by asking Burns about his “blind assembly” method in documentary filmmaking, 哪一个, 据我所知, 是“音频优先”吗?, 第二个镜头.” Burns described it as how in the first stage of making a documentary, he would listen to the audio narration and then let his imagination roam, as a way to better incorporate the visual elements of the documentary film. We were also shown clips from Burns’ films.

康沃尔郡的, 谁是极其优雅和机智的, posed interesting questions to Burns regarding a multitude of subjects, ranging from Burns’ process of making movies, to more abstract questions regarding American history, 真理的本质, 和更多的, all of 哪一个 Burns answered to great depths.

Journalist Audie 康沃尔郡的 speaks with 肯·伯恩斯 on stage at the Bushnell Theater in 哈特福德 for the 康涅狄格论坛.

There were two things that greatly resonated with me. 首先, Burns believes the reason why documentary films have to be so complex, 有很多暗示和细微差别, is to reflect the completeness of the human experience. Everyone’s life is not just all black and white, 或“二进制,” as Burns often put it in the talk; that’s why it’s imperative that we delve deep into each event or phenomenon, in order to understand what everyone goes through.

信仰的概念也打动了我. When asked about young people, Burns offered great advice about faith. To him, doubt is not the enemy of faith, but is central to faith. 他说,信仰的敌人是确定性. I think such belief is very relevant in the tumultuous state of world affairs nowadays. We, 作为年轻人, should be open to embracing uncertainty and be susceptible to being wrong, thus preparing us to learn and expand our minds.

全球十大网赌正规平台 students and faculty listen to 记者Audie 康沃尔郡的 and documentarian 肯·伯恩斯 at the Bushnell.

当我们离开布什内尔时, I was still awe-struck by an inspiring director whose shadow will continue to be cast in the film industry as young directors and filmmakers learn from him. Not only does he do his craft well, but he also thinks carefully about it. That shows the great depth in the person that he is.

讲座结束后, I was motivated to learn more about documentaries, knowing from Burns that they are no less creative than scripted films. I am taking the course “Basic Filmmaking” with Prof. 现在就好, and it was pure luck that we were about to make our first short documentary when I got to see Burns. His methods and advice in the talk were super relevant. As I delve deeper into my 电影研究 major, I think Burns will continue to be my guiding light in terms of documentary techniques and attitudes toward filmmaking.

全球十大网赌正规平台 is an education partner of the 康涅狄格论坛, 哪一个 supports open dialogue, lifelong learning, and the free and active exchange of ideas. This season of the 康涅狄格论坛 continues on March 14, 2024, with “On Defending Democracy and a Path Forward,” 莉兹·切尼,前美国总统.S. 怀俄明州的女议员,还有 纽约时报 专栏作家埃兹拉·克莱因.