At the postsecondary level, 确定服务资格的过程与K-12过程不同. Students with disabilities at the K-12 level may be covered under the IDEA, but the IDEA does not apply to the postsecondary level. Instead, 符合条件的残疾学生可能有资格获得1973年康复法案第504条和1990年美国残疾人法案(ADA)的保护。. “Section 504” act dictates that reasonable accommodations, including academic adjustments, 提供给所有参加联邦资助项目的残疾人. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA, P.L. 101-336) extends protection to all persons with disabilities. 《全球十大网赌正规平台》要求组织为已知有身体或精神残疾以及“其他方面合格”的个人提供合理的便利.”

It is important to note that the IDEA is an educational entitlement act, 而第504条和《全球十大网赌正规平台》是民权法,旨在禁止基于残疾的歧视. 高等教育资格的标准要求残疾是当前的,并且严重限制了主要的生活活动(例如.g., walking, hearing, seeing, learning). 并不是每一种损伤都有资格成为受《全球十大网赌正规平台》保护的残疾,因为并不是每一种损伤都在很大程度上限制了一种主要的生活活动. The court in E.E.O.C. v. Harvey L. Walner & Associates, 91 F.3d 963, 996 (7th Cir. 1996), 《全球十大网赌正规平台》将残疾人定义为有身体或精神缺陷,严重限制了一项或多项主要生活活动的人. 主要生活活动是那些对大多数人的日常生活很重要的功能. Examples of major life activities are breathing, walking, talking, hearing, seeing, sleeping, caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, and working. 主要的生命活动还包括主要的身体功能,如免疫系统功能, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, and reproductive functions. This includes people who have a record of an impairment, even if they do not currently have a disability. 它还包括那些没有残疾,但被认为有残疾的人. 《全球十大网赌正规平台》还规定,基于与残疾人的交往而歧视某人是非法的. 存在缺陷或诊断出某种医疗状况本身并不一定构成残疾. Whether a substantial limitation upon a major life activity exists, depends upon an analysis of (1) the nature and severity of the impairment, (2) the duration of the impairment, and (3) the permanent or long-term impact of impairment. 29 C.F.R. Sec. 1630.2(j) (Heyward, 1998, pgs. 3:5-3:6). Therefore, while a student may have a disability, 这并不一定意味着他或她将需要住宿,以获得他或她的教育. 提供残疾在多大程度上造成实质性限制的证据可能比陈述残疾更为关键.

Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments of 2008



  • 高等教育机构可能不会考虑药物等缓解措施的效果, 设备(隐形眼镜和眼镜除外)和“习得的行为或适应性神经改变”,以确定一种疾病是否严重限制了主要的生命活动. Yet, 在评估住宿需求和住宿类型时,不禁止考虑缓解措施的影响.
  • The term “substantially limits” remains, 但这句话可能不会被解释为要求对主要的生命活动进行“严格”或“重大”的限制.
  • 预计持续六个月或更短时间的短期情况不属于残疾.
  • Conditions that are in remission still qualify as disabilities, if the underlying condition in its active state would qualify as a disability.

提供以下指导方针是为了确保特定残疾的文件是适当的,以核实资格并支持住宿请求, academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids:
The implications for persons who are seeking a college education are as follows:

  • Admissions: No quotas may be placed on the number of disabled students accepted into a program.
  • Treatment: 残疾学生必须有平等的机会参与并受益于所有的高等教育项目, including education programs and activities not operated wholly by the participant.
  • Programs and activities 必须在尽可能综合的环境中提供残疾学生的参与.
  • Academic Adjustments: 必须修改学业要求,以确保不会歧视残疾学生. This does not mean that standards fundamental to a given program must be altered.


Schools must ensure that disabled students are not denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, 或因缺乏辅助设备而在教育计划或活动中受到歧视. Although auxiliary aids may be available, 学院不一定提供其他设备或个人性质的服务.

Financial and Employment Assistance: 经济援助或勤工俭学就业必须以非歧视的方式提供.

Non-Academic Services: 残疾学生必须有平等的机会参加所有的体育教育和体育活动,如果他们有资格这样做的话.

Counseling services 包括学术,个人和职业,必须以非歧视的方式提供. 辅导员可能不会将合格的残疾学生引导到比具有相似兴趣和能力的合格的非残疾学生更严格的职业.

The College must provide accessible, comparable, and convenient housing.

Organizations that receive significant assistance from the College must select members in a non-discriminatory manner.